Many women who are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts and the effect they have on their overall body proportions may find that breast augmentation can help them achieve their goals. Breast augmentation is designed to help a patient enhance the size, shape, and curvature of the breast. This procedure can add volume and definition to the breasts with results that look natural. With breast augmentation, surgery can give you more youthful, sensual-looking breasts and enhance your self-confidence with new, beautiful breast contours.

Breast Enlargement with Implants:
Breast augmentation, also referred to as breast enlargement, offers patients the chance to add fullness and volume to the breasts. There are many choices you have when it comes to deciding the type, size and shape of breast implants that will ultimately have the best possible effect on your appearance. During your initial consultation, surgeons will go over all of your options with you, showing you the different types of breast implants available and answering any questions you may have. At this meeting, you and your surgeon will decide the best option for your goals.
Breast Augmentation Procedure:
- Incision made at the base of the areola or near the underarm crease. These incisions are small and will be virtually indistinguishable following your recovery.
- After the incisions are made, the implant of your choice will be inserted and placed below or on top of the breast muscle. Once the breast implants are in place, the incisions will be closed with small sutures.
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and can be completed on an outpatient basis.
What Implant Size is Right for You?
Our surgeon discusses his scientific approach to choosing the perfect implant for each patient’s specific size and body type.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
- Some bruising, swelling, and numbness in the breasts and nipples can be expected after breast augmentation surgery; however, these effects should fade over the first few weeks.
- Any discomfort can be managed with medication.
- Most patients are able to resume normal daily routines after about one week.