Mesotherapy is a non-invasive technique based on superficial microinjections .The solution injected can contain a wide range of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids and co-enzymes. Mesotherapy brings just the right materials to the exact place where it is needed (around the hair follicle) so that the hair follicle can grow and survive and the blood circulation is stimulated.
Mesotherapy for hair loss. The treatment is virtually painless and safe when done professionally. There is no dressing or local anaesthesia required. After the treatment you can just go back to work.
The Treatment:
The treatment itself takes between 10 and 30 minutes depending on the extension of the area being treated.
Usually a minimum of 10 sessions is required to stimulate hair growth. We recommend starting with an intensive course of treatments every 2 weeks for the first 2-3 months. The frequency then gradually decreases and the results of hair rejuvenation become evident already after 2-3 months.